# fish

fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for Linux, macOS, and the rest of the family.

fishshell.com (opens new window)

Why I Switched from ZSH to FISH (opens new window)

# Config

set fish_greeting # disable fish greeting

switch (uname)
case Darwin
  eval (/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)
  fish_add_path /opt/homebrew/bin
case Linux
  set -g fish_user_paths "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin" $fish_user_paths

starship init fish | source
zoxide init fish | source

# plugins
fundle plugin 'edc/bass'
fundle plugin 'FabioAntunes/fish-nvm'
fundle plugin 'franciscolourenco/done'
fundle plugin 'gazorby/fish-abbreviation-tips'
fundle plugin 'james2doyle/omf-plugin-fnm'

fundle init

# shell env variables
set -Ux BAT_THEME Nord 
set -Ux EDITOR nvim
#set -Ux GOPATH (go env GOPATH)
set -Ux FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS "--reverse --preview 'echo {}' --preview-window down:3:hidden:wrap --bind '?:toggle-preview'"
set -Ux FZF_TMUX_OPTS "-p"
set -Ux FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND "fd -H -E '.git'"

# user path
#set -g fish_user_paths "$HOME/go/bin" $fish_user_paths
set -g fish_user_paths "$HOME/bin" $fish_user_paths

# language
set -x LANG en_US.UTF-8
set -x LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8

# aliases
alias aw="~/.config/aw/bin/run"
alias t="~/repos/dotfiles/bin/t.sh"
alias ls="lsd  --group-dirs first -A"
alias vim="nvim"
alias v="vim"

# os specific abbreviations
switch (uname)
case Darwin
  abbr bi "arch -arm64 brew install"
  abbr bug "arch -arm64 brew upgrade"
case Linux
  abbr bi "brew install"
  abbr bug "brew upgrade"

# abbreviations
abbr ast "aw set -t (aw list | fzf-tmux -p --reverse --preview 'aw set -t {}')"
abbr t "t"
abbr b "~/bin/b"
abbr bc "brew cleanup"
abbr bd "brew doctor"
abbr bic "brew install --cask"
abbr bif "brew info"
abbr bifc "brew info --cask"
abbr bo "brew outdated"
abbr bs "brew services"
abbr bsr "brew services restart"
abbr bu "brew update"
abbr c "clear"
abbr cl "clear"
abbr claer "clear"
abbr clera "clear"
abbr cx "chmod +x"
abbr dc "docker compose"
abbr dcd "docker compose down"
abbr dcdv "docker compose down -v"
abbr dcr "docker compose restart"
abbr dcu "docker compose up -d" 
abbr dnd "/Users/joshmedeski/.nvm/versions/node/v14.17.1/bin/dnd"
abbr dps "docker ps --format 'table {{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}'"
abbr e "exit"
abbr ee "espanso edit"
abbr er "espanso restart"
abbr g "git status"
abbr ga "git add ."
abbr gb "git branch -v"
abbr gc "git commit"
abbr gca "git commit -av"
abbr gcl "git clone"
abbr gco "git checkout -b"
abbr gcom "~/bin/git-to-master-cleanup-branch.sh"
abbr gd "git diff"
abbr gl "git pull"
abbr gp "git push"
abbr gpr "gh pr create"
abbr gpum "git pull upstream master"
abbr gr "git remote"
abbr gra "git remote add"
abbr grao "git remote add origin"
abbr grau "git remote add upstream"
abbr grv "git remote -v"
abbr gs "git status"
abbr gst "git status"
abbr hd "history delete --exact --case-sensitive \'(history | fzf-tmux -p -m --reverse)\'"
abbr l "lsd  --group-dirs first -A"
abbr ld "lazydocker"
abbr lg "lazygit"
abbr ll "lsd  --group-dirs first -Al"
abbr lt "lsd  --group-dirs last -A --tree"
abbr nf "neofetch"
abbr nd "npm run dev"
abbr nvim "vim"
abbr nxdg "nx dep-graph"
abbr os "overmind start"
abbr p "pnpm"
abbr pi "pnpm install"
abbr pa "pnpm add"
abbr pad "pnpm add -D"
abbr pb "pnpm build"
abbr pd "pnpm dev"
abbr ps "pnpm storybook"
abbr psb "pnpm storybook"
abbr rmr "rm -rf"
abbr sa "SwitchAudioSource -t output -s (SwitchAudioSource -t output -a | fzf-tmux -p --reverse)"
abbr sai "SwitchAudioSource -t input -s (SwitchAudioSource -t input -a | fzf-tmux -p --reverse)"
abbr sao "SwitchAudioSource -t output -s (SwitchAudioSource -t output -a | fzf-tmux -p --reverse)"
abbr sb "sam build"
abbr sf "source ~/.config/fish/config.fish"
abbr st "tmux source ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf"
abbr ta "tmux a"
abbr tat "tmux attach -t"
abbr tn "tmux new -s (pwd | sed 's/.*\///g')"
abbr u "~/bin/update.sh"
abbr vf "vim ~/.config/fish/config.fish"
abbr vh "vim ~/.local/share/fish/fish_history"
abbr vp "vim package.json"
abbr vpc "vim +PlugClean"
abbr vpi "vim +PlugInstall"
abbr vpu "vim +PlugUpdate"
abbr vpug "vim +PlugUpgrade"
abbr vt "vim ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf"
abbr y "yarn"
abbr ya "yarn add"
abbr yad "yarn add -D"
abbr yb "yarn build"
abbr yd "tmux rename-window dev && yarn dev"
abbr ye "tmux rename-window e2e && yarn e2e"
abbr yg "yarn generate"
abbr yl "yarn lint"
abbr yt "tmux rename-window test && yarn test"
abbr zat "docker run --rm -v (pwd):/data -p 4567:4567 -it pindar/zat zat"

# adjust color scheme
set fish_color_autosuggestion green
set fish_color_command normal
set fish_color_error red
set fish_color_param magenta
set fish_color_redirections yellow
set fish_color_terminators white
set fish_color_valid_path normal

set -Ux LF_ICONS "\

set -gx PNPM_HOME "/Users/joshmedeski/.node/corepack/pnpm/6.11.0/bin"

# Fisher Package Manager

A plugin manager for Fish.

github.com/jorgebucaran/fisher (opens new window)

# Packages


# Commands

# Reload config

source ~/.config/fish/config.fish

# Change default shell

Here are instructions for how to change the default shell to fish.


The path to fish will change depending on what machine you use to install it. /opt/homebrew/bin/fish may be something else on your computer.

Copy path to fish

Edit shells

sudo vi /etc/shells

Paste clipboard to the top of the file



Save and quit (:wq)

Run change shell

sudo chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/fish

Close and reopen your terminal, it should automatically load the fish shell. If on linux, you'll have to logout and back in again.